It’s Never Too Late to Invest …

Posted at April 26, 2022 Posted In Investing, Newsletter, Strategies

I’d like to share a little back story about Brett and myself…

This is how we ended up fully invested in Real Estate, after over 20 years, and the journey it took to get here.

Like so many, we’ve dedicated so much work to our professional careers. Nearly 25+ years in our respective fields, where I worked as a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator and Brett is a second-generation business owner of an engineering firm here in our hometown of Houston, Texas.

Our passion for Real Estate and learning about Real Estate investment strategies have always been strong… but our family has always come first. We pride ourselves on our 3 amazing children and have always made the necessary time and sacrifices for it to remain our priority.

During those 20 years, while we were raising our family, we had invested any available resources we could spare into our financial education. Which is a situation you may be finding yourself in now. Our reasons were probably similar to yours and we made some family decisions that required every dollar we had during those years.

The struggle with education without effective action is that you never get anything done.

There always seemed to be more months than money. But why was that the case? We thought to ourselves, “Isn’t this the American Dream”? Isn’t this enough?

We both had very successful careers and invested in the traditional American savings plan of the 401k, IRA, and the stock market. We were also working very hard to pay off our house and have some money in savings. But we wanted more.

We certainly had some successes but never enough passive income that surpassed our W2 jobs. That all changed when my husband and I decided to leave the rat race, and start the journey of taking action on our education.

In the last 7 years, our rewards have been unbelievable. Larger than we ever imagined. Each year we set annual goals (not resolutions) and take action as a family.

Today, Brett and I are co-founders of Real Equity Investment Partners, a Syndication Business designed to bring together like-minded investors and help you invest in various asset classes:

  • Single Family Homes
  • Self-Storage Facilities
  • Commercial Real Estate
  • International Resort Properties
  • Lifestyle Developments, both international and domestic

We work to help you create passive streams of income and build generational wealth that goes beyond your immediate family, into perpetuity. To make financial decisions not just for today but for tomorrow and far into the future.

Recently, in February 2022 we partnered with a group of GPs and LPs and closed on a 200-door apartment complex outside of the Atlanta Metroplex. This was a $41 Million Dollar Deal and collectively our GP Team Raised over $12.5 Million dollars.

Another one of our performing assets being divested in the first quarter of this year resulted in a 33% ROI. We 2x our investment in 26 months on our storage unit portfolio that we co-owned with 3 other GP’s.

You might be asking, ”How can I do this? Is it too late?”. In the last 7 years, we’ve built a diverse real estate portfolio and it’s changed our lives for the better. It’s never too late— but why wait? The answer is start now, start today.

We are passionate about making a difference in the lives of others by sharing our deals as they come available. We want to assist you in optimizing your own portfolio by unlocking trapped equity, diversification and maximizing returns.

We want to make our money work for us and not live our lives working for a paycheck. We want to leverage our time, not someone else mandating our schedules. I am certain you can relate. Even if you don’t currently have a portfolio, you too can start. We want to help you reach your financial goals and have financial freedom.

We’ve shared your same struggles. Let us contribute to your success.

Welcome to the REIP Family and remember: Be who you are becoming and never look back!

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