Change Your Life By Living in the Gain

Posted at September 22, 2022 Posted In Mindset, Investing, Newsletter, Strategies

For this newsletter, I want to share a book that’s had some great impact for Brett and I. This aligns with what we’re trying to accomplish as we’re striving to “walk out” what we’re talking about.

The Gap and The Gain” is a really amazing book by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy, that is inspiring us in a few aspects of our life.

The theme is simple yet powerful…

Unsuccessful people focus on “The Gap,” but successful people focus on “The Gain.”

I wanted to talk about just a couple of key insights that I’ve gathered from this book. You often hear me talk about “mindset” in our previous newsletters.

As we’ve talked about before, your mindset is so important because it can transform everything in your life — past, present, and future.

That’s because your mindset is all a matter of perspective, one that affects your actions. How?

The way you view your experiences… (Your past)

What you think of yourself and learned because of those experiences… (Your present)

All determines how you’ll grow and strive to create a better version of yourself… (Your future)

It’s not always easy to operate from a positive mindset.

For me and Brett, one of the more negative things that we have found ourselves doing is comparing ourselves to so many different people’s level of success in the syndication real estate arena.

Are our wins as great as theirs? Are we doing enough?

It’s so easy to compare yourself to your contemporaries and feel like you’re not doing enough. So you stay busy, set goals, keep looking forward, and grind it out… but when will you know that it’s enough?

You’ll only know when you can clearly see how far you’ve come. You must celebrate the wins you’ve made so far and not focus on the ones you haven’t made.

Sometimes we’re so busy looking forward that we can’t enjoy the greatness that’s happening now. Shifting your perspective can make all the difference in your current state and the success to come.

We often face this classic dilemma: what do you really need versus what do you want?

But what is so wrong about wanting something? Wanting creates an abundance of resources, creativity, and innovation.

Because when you want something bad enough, you’re gonna have to figure out how you’re going to get what it is that you want, and put that into action.

We need to feel like there’s freedom in a “want”— and that’s okay!

Be self determined, find your own successes, and your own criteria to assess yourself by. Shifting your mindset to that of what you want gives you permission to not compare your success to all the super achievers that are all around you.

There’s freedom to be found in this mindset.

All in all, the shift from “the gap” to “the gain” has been liberating for me, because — even if I find that I’m accomplished and I’ve done a great deal — it feels like it’s never enough… and maybe even not good enough.

But when I view my life from this new perspective, I recognize how far we’ve come with our business in less than a year. You’re probably doing much of the same thing.

You’re developing your own businesses, your own investment strategies. Take the time to feel good about what you’ve done.

The compounding effect of seeing the positive can train your brain to be specific when describing your desired results.

This is within the same realm of defining goals, being clear and specific about your results so that you have a better chance to achieve them.

One last insight: always measure backward.

It goes back to perspective. Doing this gives you a point of reference from where you’ve come.

It also allows you to connect the dots and see where one relationship, one conversation, and even an unexpected meeting… all of this can put you on the right trajectory.

To move the needle.

So how do you begin? Measuring three wins a day. You can do this while journaling. Start with the guide questions and answer:

  • What are you grateful for?
  • What are you going to accomplish today?
  • What are you doing in your quiet time?

Reading this book and seeing the powerful difference that mindset can make has really kept us living in the gain.

We’re committed to “living in the gain” especially with 2023 just around the corner. So how do you view yourself and your journey so far?

If you’d like to talk about anything I discussed, let’s schedule a call!

Until next month, my real estate friends.

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