Becoming Your Future Self

Posted at November 16, 2022 Posted In Mindset, Newsletter

Today, I want to talk a little bit about becoming your future self.

“Future self” — that term can be quite intimidating to think about…

Funny enough, it’s an effort that can’t be procrastinated and put off for another day.

That’s because becoming your future self is what drives your present.

But don’t worry, you don’t have to do it alone. Read along and together, we can reflect on who you are and who you want to be… What you do today determines who you’ll be tomorrow.

As we’re wrapping up the end of the year, I want us to be thinking forward. To be intentional with everything that we do — and most importantly, to have an end goal in mind.

Let’s begin with taking a look at this past year. Your “past self.”

Have you worked on the goals that you’ve set for yourself this last year?

If you haven’t accomplished what you sought out to do, don’t worry. It’s never too late to start.

What’s the one thing you can do today? Start from this point on and think forward.

One small thing leads to another and builds momentum. It’s an active, “creative” energy that pushes you to seek out the next thing that will help you reach your goals.

That mindset of creativity gives form to organizational processes in our lives.

As we’re working on our goals… and we’re being intentional with all of our actions… everything carries with the momentum and eventually falls into place.

We’re becoming creative and it layers on itself… all leading up to our end goal.

How do we live out creativity in this moment? Your “present self.”

Let’s remember that our lives are designed — and it shouldn’t be done in a haphazard way. Our lives are influenced and shaped by all of our actions.

So if we don’t have an end-game in mind, then our life’s direction is fluctuating. Our guidance just ebbs and flows. You are both the navigator and captain of your life.

I want you to design the life that you will choose to live. Let every behavior you have work towards an end result.

I want you to treat your future as something definitive, and have focus in real clarity on where you’re going and what you want.

Goals are the driver for everything that we do— and that doesn’t mean don’t have fun!

It doesn’t mean don’t break out of a schedule. But it does mean, have a mindset and a roadmap to where you’re going. Set daily habits to achieve these goals.

Without your habits in place, you’re really not efficiently working towards becoming your future self as quickly as you can. Your future self should be focused on a system.

That system starts with your daily habits so have some structure to your day, but also have structure for your personal time.

I want you to be thinking about these goals from the perspective of your present… Then two years from now… five years from now… and 10 years from now.

How do you envision yourself?

Who is your future self?

I’d love to meet that person and I know you would, too.

If you’d like to discuss further, please feel free to click here to schedule a call.

Until next time, my real estate friends.

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